Gorean Meter Support Portal

Portal Stats Regions
Region info for region `Diesel`

Captures 0
Bounds 0
Kills 0
Resets 0

No GM Region Server Installed

If you need one for your region you can get it at Poorlord for free.
If one is on the region, but not showing here click it and re save the settings.

Sim IDec2-54-213-226-73 ( )
* Diesel
    (Last seen December 4th 2024)
* Wild tiger
    (Last seen December 4th 2024)
* Egle
    (Last seen December 3rd 2024)
* The Alleria Dimension
    (Last seen December 1st 2024)
* Chocolate Pie
    (Last seen December 1st 2024)
* Noyo County
    (Last seen November 30th 2024)
* Maamagili Island
    (Last seen November 30th 2024)
* Carroway Creek
    (Last seen November 30th 2024)
* Harriot
    (Last seen November 29th 2024)
Sim LocationAWS Cloud Oregon
Sim Version2024-03-18.8333615376



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